Daydream XI Daydream XI - Graveyard Of Disgrace

Decades ago we were nothing but animals
Now we're superior for our amazing intelligence
Either by God or by nature we've been chosen
To rule the earth below and reach the sky above

The beauty of our minds, a surprise to us all
Old age and disease will not make us fall
What if this brightness we could reproduce?
We would have handy servants to do what we do

Robots we have done, talking and walking
What if they could be creating and thinking?

Driving ourselves into ruin
Forging our own hangmen
Our dreams are becoming our madness and greed
Blinded we'll be by the things that we did
Machines will subdue us when they see the smile in our faces
And the cities will turn into a graveyard of disgrace

Artificial intelligence, misfortuned idea
Curse those who have built the metal humans
Replacing us because they have no faults
Now they're willing to be at the top

Done by our own hands, this fake human beings
High-tech menace, thay started to kill
Drowned in advance mankind will decay
They are now spreading, we'll have to obey

Driving ourselves into ruin
Forging our own hangmen
Our dreams are becoming our madness and greed
Blinded we'll be by the things that we did
Machines will subdue us when they see the smile in our faces
And the cities will turn into a graveyard of disgrace

What if we had never made them?
We wouldn't be listening to their victory anthem
Now the chosen ones are paying the price
Next time they choose, either God or nature, will have to think twice

Driving ourselves into ruin
We forged our own hangmen
Our dreams have become our madness and greed
Blinded we were by the things that we did
Machines have subdued us when they the saw smile in our faces
And the cities have turned into a graveyard of disgrace